Healthy relationships are vital for a
good quality of life.
We are hardwired for connection. Our relationships directly affect our mood, self-image, sense of well-being, and even our physical health. And, they affect everybody we care about — partners, children, family.
Research on happiness and longevity shows how much connection matters. When we feel disconnected, alone, or not valued, it affects us deeply. These feelings can lead to pain, anger, depression, and anxiety. Or, more simply, it just hurts.
Effective therapy helps people see options and possibilities
that were not apparent at the start.
Think about any stressful pattern in your current relationships. It may seem unrealistic to expect years of that stress to lose its grip, but it can. The same is true for other aspects of your life that cause you distress.
There are ways to do things differently.
Learn ways to take a step back from what might feel like the brink in a relationship. To stop the painful patterns that get the same result. And, to stop anxiety or panic from limiting life and taking away its pleasure.
It’s essential to get the stressful things in relationships under control, but it doesn’t (and shouldn’t) stop there. There needs to be a sound foundation that allows your connection to keep getting better. Mutual goodwill can then flow — the wish to make each other happy, to make each other’s lives easier.
This doesn’t happen overnight. It’s like going to physical therapy to build up strength, and help any injured parts come back again. You make progress as you go, so you can keep getting better on your own when it’s done.